You can learn more about our incredible client program that resolves peoples IBS, SIBO and gut issues HERE, please fill out the enquiry form and we will get back to you. You can also book a 15 minute gut health call to any more questions about the program, you can book that HERE!

You can book appointments and packages at the Nourished Gut Clinic HERE! 

Karly is no longer taking on new clients, as she is focusing her time on our Nourished Gut Program & Mentoring Practitioners. For all 1:1 appointments and packages, you can book with Karly’s highly trained naturopathic associate Bernadette HERE!

You can click HERE to find out more about what Karly is currently offering in terms of mentoring. She has courses, programs and short trainings for practitioners that are specific to gut health. She will be running her live mentoring programs again in 2024.

You can order a SIBO Breath Test + videos and preparation information which Karly has created HERE!

Yes, we love supporting children with gut health issues. Bernadette is our peodiatric naturopath and registered nurse who see’s kids at our clinic. She is also a mother of three children with extensive knowledge in gut health and the microbiome. You can book a consultation for your child HERE!

No we don’t. Our clinic primarily focuses on helping people with digestive issues such as IBS, SIBO, IBD, infections, constipation, diarrhoea, reflux. We see people of all ages with these issues. Sometimes clients will also present with other conditions like thyroid imbalance or fertility issues and we would support this alongside their digestive issues however your primary concern needs to be digestive in nature. 

Our online booking system will show you all current available times.

For all admin and tech support please contact my assistant Clare admin@karlyraven.com. Her working days are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Get in Touch

I love hearing from you, please feel free to contact me directly via email with any questions you have. My clinic is 100% online and I offer telehealth gut health appointments. I also offer practitioner mentoring and have collaborated with many natural health care companies by providing education and speaking on complex gut issues like IBS & SIBO. 


Karly Raven seated smiling at the camera

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